Natural energy to enrich the soil and increase productivity (suitable for all types of plants).
Formula: 5 Colors, 5 Energies: (Red/Blue/Purple/Black/Brown).

  • Helps reduce acidity or alkalinity in the soil and improves soil condition.
  • Maintains soil balance for optimal plant growth.
  • Reduce the accumulation of pathogens in the soil.
  • Helps to make the soil loamy

Main components: Marl, Dolomite, and Natural minerals (pigments).
The usage rate:

  • The soil preparation and amendment, including fertilizer, should be rated is 50-150 kg/ha.
  • Usage of Green-World…3 parts Mix with 1 chemical (the ratio may vary depending on the soil acidity level.)
The type of plant The usage rate
For rice fields apply before rice flowering, 1 month after planting, at a rate of 30-50 kg/ha.
For sugarcane apply when the plants are 3-4 months old, for stem elongation, at a rate of 50-100 kg/ha.
For oil palm apply when the plants are 3-4 months old, at a rate of 50-100 kg/ha.
For rubber trees up to 6 years, apply to accelerate latex flow at a rate of 1-3 kg per tree per tapping session.
For fruit apply at a rate of 1-5 kg per tree per session.
For vegetable apply at a rate of 50-100 kg/ha.